Open and honest conversations about motherhood
Welcome to Motherhood Truths
Motherhood Truths is a platform and outlet for women to be wholeheartedly honest in their joy and struggles of motherhood, and allow others to find comfort and reassurance, and hopefully some helpful information along the way!
About me

I’m Shirin. I’m mother to my 3-year-old son, Aren. I love my son with all my heart, but motherhood is hard, challenging and anxiety-inducing at times, at least for me. And I want to talk about it!
Motherhood Truths is an opportunity for me to lay it out there, honestly and openly. My story might not be yours. Which is why I want other mothers to share their experience too.
The good, the bad and the ugly! Because the greatest gift (or reassurance) you can give to another mum is honesty.
Shirin Jetha Dagseven
Motherhood Truths Blog
Here are some of my motherhood truths: the good, the bad, and the ugly!
Keep calm and love Peppa Pig!
The world is crazy right now and you cannot be everything and everyone to your kids.
Ditch the guilt
I’m in one of those phases a dear friend of mine calls “torturous unproductive limbo”. And it really doesn’t sit well with me.
This moment
I know a lot of us are struggling right now. It has been a tough year for everyone and harder for some than others.
Stories from Mothers
Honest stories from mums speaking from the heart
Is a caesarean not a normal birth?
When I was almost 20 weeks pregnant, after my belly started to be visible…
Father and baby
After my son was born, my husband was only able to take 3 days off work.
My story of being a mother
Being a mother is one of the most exciting things that has ever happened to me…
Do you have a motherhood story to share?
Share your motherhood truths
Being honest about your motherhood journey is the greatest gift you can give another mum. Send your story to me to be featured on the website, you can choose to give your name or be anonymous.