Fatherhood truths

Oct 8, 2020 | My blog

Yesterday, I had an exhausting day where I was questioning everything, from my parenting, my child’s behaviour, as well as the world at large. It was one of those days when I felt like a rubbish mum parenting a super difficult child. An off day. I am often amazed by my son, both in a negative and positive way! His energy is endless; he says things that astound me, he’s bossy as hell, super funny, shockingly smart, temperamental, and has the determination of an ox. His personality is huge. Too huge at times. I know I shouldn’t, but I compare him to other kids. Especially to those sweet, obedient, quiet children who cheated me into thinking that motherhood would be picture perfect.
So, when I saw a blog entitled, ‘Having a Toddler Who Doesn’t Like to Listen Is Really a Blessing in Disguise’, I couldn’t help but open it. I needed to feel reassured that the challenging days I feel now will all be worth it. As soon as I started reading, I was hooked. It had me in fits of laughter and at the same time I felt less alone. And most importantly, it restored my faith in my son, my parenting, and the future. I didn’t notice the name of the author at the top of the page, so as I read it, I was surprised to find it was written by a father. Why you may ask? Truth be told I’m not really sure. It was just so refreshing to read a fatherhood truth. So much of what I read is written by mothers and
aimed at mothers. Where are the fathers? Are they not feeling the struggles that we mothers are? My discussions with mothers over the last few months have brought up many different variations and experiences of partners, husbands, the roles of fathers and the support they offer. It’s been uplifting, frustrating and even saddening to hear what mothers have experienced. It makes me more curious to know what fathers feel and think and their journeys too. So, in answer to some of your questions, yes, I do hope to collect fatherhood truths too. It’s another project on my list!

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